A ragtag band of heroes, misfits and adventurers strive for glory and riches beneath the southern stars, amidst the ruins of a fallen world.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Background Notes: Climate, The Stone Axe Inn, Threats, Ancient Empires
Campaign Climate & Terrain
Players’ Map of the Wilderlands:
The immediate area is humid and sub-tropical, resembling somewhat low-latitude South America. The equator runs north of the starting campaign area; in a line west to east through the Underwing Jungle, Grindwell, Gulf of Pinnacles, just north of the Eyestones Jungle, to just south of the Starlight River. The Carnelian Plains are a savanna; hot and wet in the rainy season, warm and arid in dry season. The land rises to the east; the Lagoldurna jungle rain forest is warm and humid year round, while the central mountain belt is sunny and temperate, cool on the high peaks.
Southern Hemisphere Savanna Climate – adapted from
There is a distinct dry season, which is in the ‘winter’, the 6 months M5-M10. Savannas get all their rain in the ‘summer’ months (M11-M4). During the distinct dry season of a savanna, most of the plants shrivel up and die. Some rivers and streams dry up. Most of the animals migrate to find food. In the wet season all of the plants are lush and the rivers flow freely. The animals migrate back to graze. In the Carnelian Plains area the rainy season runs the 6 months M11-M4.
It is usually cooler during the dry season by a few degrees. Because it is in the tropical latitudes, that is still hot enough. The savanna climate has a temperature range of 68° to 86° F (20° - 30° C). In the winter/dry season, it is usually about 68° to 78° F (20° - 25° C). In the summer/wet season the temperature ranges from 78° to 86° F (25° - 30° C). In a Savanna the temperature does not change a lot. When it does, it is very gradual and not drastic. There is an annual precipitation of 20 to 30 inches of rain. In the 3 months M6-M8 hardly any rain falls at all.
More broadly, the Wilderlands is an Ice-Age world. The Great Glacier lies to the north of Valon, the frozen Ament Tundra with its mammoth-riding Amazons rises in the far south-west, and the equatorial rain forest cover is scattered and limited. The world is much drier than our own. There are no vast tropical rain forests as we presently see on Earth, just scattered patches. The fallen 'Demon Empires' in the far south, beyond Ghinor, are a howling frozen Chaos wasteland.
THE STONE AXE INN (Barbarian Altanis hex 2023)
Located at the intersection of the trade roads south to the horse-farming town of Bisgen, north-west to Colisth on the Blazing Stream, famous for its silks, and north-east to the highland Halfling township of Bisituni with its potatos and llamas, the Stone Axe Inn is a prosperous and thriving establishment. However recently the roads have been troubled by bandit raids from Shadar’s Den (hex 2022); Parre of Bisgen is offering 1,000gp for Shadar’s head. However his men are known to frequent the Inn, looking for likely targets, and spending freely of their ill-gotten gains. Shady fences frequent the Inn, looking to do business in these stolen goods, or carry ransom notes to relatives of those kidnapped. Open trade in slaves is conducted at Shadar’s Den itself, but sometimes recently enslaved captives are brought here by bandits in capture-hoods to avoid identification, and quietly sold to slavers round the back. The Inn is also a place where bands of adventurers gather to listen for rumours of adventure, mercenaries seek out employment, Altanian nomads come to carouse with the serving-girls, and assorted low-lifes try their luck.
The proprietor is Hagar Gudmunson, a grizzled and battle-scarred Skandik. Once a warrior huscarl of Ossary far to the north-east, he fled after killing one of King Alkazed’s henchmen in a drunken brawl. Years of adventuring across Altanis brought him quite a fortune, which he has invested in rebuilding and refurbishing what had once, long ago, been an ancient Nerathi imperial way-station, but had long been gutted and ruined, until it is now once again a favoured rest-stop of merchants and travellers. Rumours persist however that the dark and crumbling halls beneath the Inn, some dating back to the Turathi Empire of Glorious Doomfire, continue to hide sinister secrets...
Threats Further Afield
To the south beyond Bisgen, the Orc-ruled Wastelands are an expanding threat, as more and more Altanian villages fall beneath the cruel yoke of their inhuman masters.
Far to the north, beyond the Carnelian Plains and the Lagoldurna Jungle, is the Gate-Castle of the Black Sun, where it’s said the High Priest Morthor Coff schemes in the name of ancient Nerath to unleash alien abominations upon the world.
Ancient Empires of Altanis - Boundaries
Empire of Nerath (ca 3700-4197 BCCC): Founded by exiled Alryan nobles from the City State of the Invincible Overlord. Northern boundary at the River Greyrush & Lake of Temple Deeps, extending south over the Ghinarian hills and northern Arkhosia.
Bael Turathi ‘Empire of Glorious Doomfire’ (ca 1500-2500 BCCC)– founded by Ghinoran colonists who interbred with the indigenous Altani, eventually carving out a powerful sorcerous state from the decaying empire of Kelnore. Interbred with demons to create the Demonbrood/Tieflings. Battleplain Gwalion in the NW, Plain of Cairns and Sea Rune in the NE. South to the Ghinarian Hills and the dismal swamps SW of the Castellan Mountains. Destroyed in war with Arkhosia by the backlash from the Rain of Colourless Fire which annihilated Bael Turath, then by subsequent Altanian slave uprising.
Dragonborn Empire of Arkhosia (ca 1000-2500 BCCC) – Founded by the Dragonborn, a race created as slave warriors by the Orichalan Dragon Lords. From the southern borders of the Doomfire Empire, south across Oricha and Isle of the Blest, with outpost colonies in Ghinor beyond the southern sea. Capital Arkhosia in northern Isle of the Blest and other cities along the Straits of Oricha were destroyed by the Turathi Doomfire, eliminating Arkhosia in a single blow.
Empire of Kelnore (ca 500-1500 BCCC) – Founded by Northmen who copied and adapted Ghinoran culture. Extent as described in WoHF, across all Altanis and far to the NE.
Ghinoran Successor States - arose in the aftermath of the destruction of the Orichalan Dragon Lords. Ghninoran city-states spread across Ghinor, Oricha, and the Ghinarian Hills, with outposts far to the north and west.
Ghinoran Successor States - arose in the aftermath of the destruction of the Orichalan Dragon Lords. Ghninoran city-states spread across Ghinor, Oricha, and the Ghinarian Hills, with outposts far to the north and west.
Empire of the Orichalan Dragon Lords (?) – The only major power to survive the War of the Pious and Philosophers which destroyed the power of science across the Wilderlands. The Dragon Lords were humanoid entitities who bound the power of the mighty Dragon Kings to their will. At its height, the empire extended across all Pazidan, the Antillian Peninsula, and beyond, far into Ghinor to the south, and north across the Winedark Sea. Following a disastrous century-long war with the Demon Empires of the far south, Orichala was destroyed by a combined slave uprising of the Altani tribes under Bondorr (now god of swords), the Dragonborn slave warriors, and to the south the proto-Ghinorans under Prince Ghinor.
Altan Federation(?) - This almost unknown technological and peaceful culture predated the rise of the Dragon Lords, and was destroyed by them before and during the War of the Pious and the Philosophers. Originators of the Warforged. There are indications that the Altan in their desperation may have allied with the alien Markab.
Altan Federation(?) - This almost unknown technological and peaceful culture predated the rise of the Dragon Lords, and was destroyed by them before and during the War of the Pious and the Philosophers. Originators of the Warforged. There are indications that the Altan in their desperation may have allied with the alien Markab.
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Sword & Sorcery Tropes
The Southlands campaign is intended to feel a bit like Conan the Barbarian if he were written by Fritz Leiber, with a dash of ER Burroughs (Tarzan, John Carter of Mars, et al), and even the Den & Taarna sequences from 'Heavy Metal'. Here's a fun list of compiled Swords & Sorcery tropes from rpgnet I think should fit Altanis well:
Originally Posted by Carl Stanford
The World
Decadent, Fading Empires
Remnants of a greater, ancient age.
Pyramids good; Ziggurats better.
Bands, tribes and hordes of nomads who are savage, greedy and a bane of all civilized travellers, but might be honourable and you might win their respect
Degenerate cannibal savage half-men who don't have any honour and probably worship something bad
Fat merchants in palanquins involved in slave,wine and art trade
'City of Thieves'
Steamy jungles
Inbreeding, usually but not always amongst the nobles, in a isolated locale, generally a jungle city, cavern complex, or wind swept plateau.
Lost city of the ______ people!
Domes and Dais made of lapis-lazuli
Grotesque idols and statuary.
Sorcery and Evil
Human sacrifice to Dark Gods
Sorcerers have pacts for power with strange, dark and/or alien gods.
Necromancers stealing the remains of ancient warlords for their undead armies.
Evil magic users who are the off-spring of human god/demon/alien mating.
There are only two kinds of magic, Necromancy and Demon-Summoning, oh and there's that sissy stuff with herbs and nature that womenfolk and crazy wood people do, but nothing else!
Cults preaching serenity, peace or enlightenment are probably a front for something much worse.
Barbarism vs Civilization
The inherent nobility of the savage condition.
The inherent corruption of the civilised condition.
Fear of death just makes you stronger and stronger.
Heroes who speak many languages and are literate because they are just that well-traveled.
Sultry sorceresses wearing far too little clothing
Undead wizards falling for the hero's woman.
Large-breasted naked princesses in need of rescue therefrom.
The heroes always have some hot chick hanging around. She can be the chick who screams in the background or a mighty warrior in her own right. Either way she is gone by the beginning of the next session.
Warrior-women are almost always redheads.
Peace between warring kingdoms that will save thousands if not millions of lives is far less important than a hot piece of ass.
After capturing the hero, the evil queen is obliged to torture him in a titillating manner, and / or offer him a chance to rule by her side.
Striking your enemy so hard that your sword gets lodged in his spine.
One in five of your sword strikes will decapitate your enemy.
As a last-ditch effort, throw your sword, it always works.
One of the other four sword strikes will result in your sword "Sticking out between the shoulder blades" of your enemy.
No matter how powerful or ancient the creature is, if you stab it in the face with a sword, it will die or be so badly wounded it has to flee. Might need to be a special sword or a really hard stabbing, or you might need to drop a building on it after stabbing it but the undefeatable Elder Evil has no place here.
Giant inhuman but-not-straight-fantasy beasts... Dinosaurs?
God-monsters from beyond the stars.
Pre-human serpent people - remnant of the snake people lingers in some remote location, scheming to destroy the fast-breeding monkeys!
Giant intelligent Apes
Snakes are evil incarnate. If you come across a ruined temple with tons of snake statues, you know great evil lurks.
Work and Between Jobs
Drinking and brawling.
Working for Wizards
....Whose Magic is actually Technology
Enjoy the treasure you won for all of 3 minutes before losing it forever and ever.
Gold equals whoring, drugging and getting drunk.
You can a get a kingdom but you can never keep it.
Companions come and go
Sooner or later one of your most trusted friends will turn you in for the reward.
Acquiring Magic Items
Acquiring Magic Items
PCs may typically create in play with the Enchant Item ritual (100% cost), purchase (100% cost), or commission in play, PHB 1 & 2 items (Common items) up to the settlement wealth limit. Some AV alchemical items may be available as Common items, such as Alchemist's Fire.
AV1 items (Uncommon items) may be available at specific locales, creatable with the right special components, or locatable with a Streetwise check, typically DC 20+Item Level. If available they typically cost 100%-140% list price (140% -5% per point by which roll beat DC). Repeated checks following failed rolls are possible but usually have much higher DCs (eg +10 DC if in same week, +5 if in same month), and bad things may happen to the over-eager searcher...
AV2 and other source items (Rare items) are not usually available. If available there will be a high DC check, at least 25+item level.
Purchase: The Streetwise check usually takes 1 day per item to locate a fence, merchant, or enchanter who can sell or create the item.
AV1 items (Uncommon items) may be available at specific locales, creatable with the right special components, or locatable with a Streetwise check, typically DC 20+Item Level. If available they typically cost 100%-140% list price (140% -5% per point by which roll beat DC). Repeated checks following failed rolls are possible but usually have much higher DCs (eg +10 DC if in same week, +5 if in same month), and bad things may happen to the over-eager searcher...
AV2 and other source items (Rare items) are not usually available. If available there will be a high DC check, at least 25+item level.
Purchase: The Streetwise check usually takes 1 day per item to locate a fence, merchant, or enchanter who can sell or create the item.
Commission: Commissioned items from a specific named Enchanter, suitably supplied with arcane reagants, may exceed the settlement Wealth Limit. Usually only common items (PHB 1 &2) may be created, though alchemists may create a variety of AV alchemical items (via the Brew Potion Ritual). The Enchanter will typically charge 140% of list price, minus the commissioning PC's Diplomacy bonus. The cost may be lowered or raised by special circumstances, favours owed, provision of material components, etc. Commercial crafters do not lower their price below 110% of list price. Item Enchanters have a Crafter Level which determines the maximum level of items they can create. Heroic Tier crafters are relatively common in most areas; Paragon crafters are very rare, and Epic crafters are exceptionally rare, each a legend in their own right. Most Epic crafters are gods or demigods like Vulcan and Goibhnie.
Items can be routinely sold for 20% list price. Specific in-game contacts may offer higher prices, this normally needs to be dealt with in-play via Streetwise/Bluff/Diplomacy, and possibly Intimidate! An established PC who sets up shop may occasionally be asked to craft specific items, in which case they can typically sell for 110%-140% of list price, for a 10-40% profit.
Maximum Useable Level
The maximum effective useable level for items, apart from Artifacts, is usually PC Level+8. Thus eg a 5th level PC can effectively employ items of up to 13th level. Higher level items typically cannot be identified and either cannot be used at all, or will control or otherwise detrimentally affect the wielder.
Maximum Useable Level
The maximum effective useable level for items, apart from Artifacts, is usually PC Level+8. Thus eg a 5th level PC can effectively employ items of up to 13th level. Higher level items typically cannot be identified and either cannot be used at all, or will control or otherwise detrimentally affect the wielder.
Name Level & Dominions
All self-respecting red-blooded heroes of the Wilderlands wish to reach Paragon Level (11th) and found their own Dominion, centred on a Castle, Fortress Temple, Thieves' Guild, or Wizard's Conclave, attracting loyal followers (soldiery are usually Experienced level 7 minion warriors, and bodyguard units are typically level 11 Elite minions who level up alongside the PC), and earning an individual 11th level Major Quest Award (3000 XP).
PC rulers typically receive a yearly tax income from their domain of around 5gp per family, 1 gp per inhabitant, in cash and materials, plus feudal warrior service (usually 10% of the population for 3 months each year, self-equipped). Remove 1 family from the population per levy soldier lost in battle.
In temperate climes the 'marching season' is typically months 5-7, between planting and harvest. Domains may also have resources such as markets, mines and ports, which produce a further income, typically 5-10,000gp/year (1d6+4 x 1,000gp) when functioning normally.
Untrained feudal levy are typically Human Rabble (minion-2) or similar, but the Lord can train and supply them to a higher standard, and some areas produce superior levy troops such as the Skandik Landsmen (Human Warrior minion 5-8 soldier) and Altanian Tribesmen (Human Barbarian minion 5-8 skirmisher). Some PCs receive additional benefits, perhaps from their mystic connection to their domain (by Paragon Path). The Lord may also employ permanent mercenary soldiery to secure his domain. Human Warrior minion-5 men-at-arms typically cost 6gp/month in garrison, or 72gp/year each, plus an initial outlay of the cost of their equipment (default 100gp) - half this cost (50gp) if the men bring their own gear. Elite troops, where available, cost more, while minion-1 rabble such as typical Goblins cost 3gp/month, or 36gp/year.
PC rulers typically receive a yearly tax income from their domain of around 5gp per family, 1 gp per inhabitant, in cash and materials, plus feudal warrior service (usually 10% of the population for 3 months each year, self-equipped). Remove 1 family from the population per levy soldier lost in battle.
In temperate climes the 'marching season' is typically months 5-7, between planting and harvest. Domains may also have resources such as markets, mines and ports, which produce a further income, typically 5-10,000gp/year (1d6+4 x 1,000gp) when functioning normally.
Untrained feudal levy are typically Human Rabble (minion-2) or similar, but the Lord can train and supply them to a higher standard, and some areas produce superior levy troops such as the Skandik Landsmen (Human Warrior minion 5-8 soldier) and Altanian Tribesmen (Human Barbarian minion 5-8 skirmisher). Some PCs receive additional benefits, perhaps from their mystic connection to their domain (by Paragon Path). The Lord may also employ permanent mercenary soldiery to secure his domain. Human Warrior minion-5 men-at-arms typically cost 6gp/month in garrison, or 72gp/year each, plus an initial outlay of the cost of their equipment (default 100gp) - half this cost (50gp) if the men bring their own gear. Elite troops, where available, cost more, while minion-1 rabble such as typical Goblins cost 3gp/month, or 36gp/year.
Domain Example: Lord Brood Starfire is an 11th level Fighter Knight, ruling a 7-hex domain (roughly a 22.5 miles radius of his castle), of some 12000 square miles. The domain has a population of 12000 inhabitants (10/square mile) in several hamlets and villages, and Lord Brood receives a yearly tax income of 12000gp.
His forces comprise
14 Level 11 bodyguard (18gp/m): 3024 gp/year.
56 Level 7 warriors (9gp/m): 6048 gp/year.
Lord Brood is also entitled to raise a feudal warrior levy of up to 1200 men (typically Level 5 minion) for 3 months of every year.
His forces comprise
14 Level 11 bodyguard (18gp/m): 3024 gp/year.
56 Level 7 warriors (9gp/m): 6048 gp/year.
Lord Brood is also entitled to raise a feudal warrior levy of up to 1200 men (typically Level 5 minion) for 3 months of every year.
Troop (minion) Level Cost modifier Infantry Cost
1 (Untrained) 0.5 3gp/m
2-3 (Rabble) 0.75 4.5gp/m
4-5 (Trained) 1 6gp/m
6-7 (Experienced) 1.5 9gp/m
8-9 (Veteran) 2 12gp/m
10-11 (Elite) 3 18gp/m
12-13 4 24gp
14-15 6 36gp
14-15 6 36gp
+4 x2
Dragoons (Riding Horses): + 6 gp/m.
Cavalry (War Horses): +12 gp/m.
Cavalry (War Horses): +12 gp/m.
Followers for Dominion Ruler PCs.
On establishing his/her Dominion, at 11th or higher level, the following seek service with the PC. Bodyguards & Followers must be paid normally, but bring their own gear, do not require a mercenary signing-on bonus, and are highly loyal. Minion role/class is determined by the DM and may include cavalry, infantry, archers and possibly even battlecasters (usually no more than 5% of the total). The PC normally receives full XP for battles in which his/her minions assist, as long as he/she is commanding them personally.
Bodyguard: 4d6 minions of level equal to PC level.
Followers: 4d6x4 minions of level equal to PC level-4.
Captain: Companion NPC (Cohort) of level equal to PC level. Pay: Follower Pay x6.
Lieutenant: Companion NPC (Cohort) of level equal to PC level-4. Pay: Follower Pay x4.
All Followers level up alongside the PC; the player may track their combat statistics once the DM has generated them.
Quarterly Recruitment
Every 3 months the PC may normally replace either his Captain or Lieutenant. A PC who gets a reputation for ‘wasting’ his cohorts may have trouble recruiting more, or they may be of lower level.
Every 3 months the PC may normally recruit an additional 2d6 Bodyguards, and 2d6x4 Followers. All must be paid normally. The PC may choose not to recruit, or to recruit fewer than the number rolled.
Troop Recovery
If the PC holds the battlefield after a battle, their fallen minions each get a saving throw vs death (for large groups, default 55% survive). PC Powers may be used to augment these saving throws (+5% per bonus point for large groups). These men are initially incapacitated, and need rest and healing. It takes 1 month of good rest before these wounded troops are sufficiently recovered to fight again.
New PCs
New PCs
PC Starting Level
The group started at 3rd level with 2250 XP. XP is awarded to the Party, all PCs have the same XP total. New & Replacement PCs come in at party level, with the same XP total as other PCs.
Gear for New & Replacement PCs
New PC Starting WealthNew PC Starting Wealth
100gp, 1 Item of Level -2, 1 Item of Level -5, 1 Item of Level -7.
Level 1-2: 100gp
Level 5: 1 Item Level 3, 100gp
Level 6: 2 Items Level 1 & Level 4, 100gp
Level 8: 3 Items Level 1, Level 3, Level 6, 100gp
Level 11: 3 Items Level 4, Level 6, Level 9, 100gp
Level 21: 3 Items Level 14, Level 16, Level 19, 100gp
Level 30: 3 Items Level 23, Level 25, Level 28, 100gp
Starting items may be sold pre-game for 20% of book value, to a maximum of 100,000gp per item - this assumes they were sold in a metropolis, and affects only the level 25 (base 625,000gp) through level 28 (base 2,125,000gp) items. The PC may use the money raised to buy PHB/PHB2/Essentials items, each item being of level 18 (85,000gp book value) or lower, using their standard book value (100%).
High-Epic PCs are usually better off keeping their two highest level items and only selling the lowest. Eg a Level 30 PC can convert their Level 23 item to 85,000gp and use that money to buy various lower-level stuff, while keeping their Level 25 & Level 28 items.
100gp, 1 Item of Level -2, 1 Item of Level -5, 1 Item of Level -7.
Level 1-2: 100gp
Level 5: 1 Item Level 3, 100gp
Level 6: 2 Items Level 1 & Level 4, 100gp
Level 8: 3 Items Level 1, Level 3, Level 6, 100gp
Level 11: 3 Items Level 4, Level 6, Level 9, 100gp
Level 21: 3 Items Level 14, Level 16, Level 19, 100gp
Level 30: 3 Items Level 23, Level 25, Level 28, 100gp
Starting items may be sold pre-game for 20% of book value, to a maximum of 100,000gp per item - this assumes they were sold in a metropolis, and affects only the level 25 (base 625,000gp) through level 28 (base 2,125,000gp) items. The PC may use the money raised to buy PHB/PHB2/Essentials items, each item being of level 18 (85,000gp book value) or lower, using their standard book value (100%).
High-Epic PCs are usually better off keeping their two highest level items and only selling the lowest. Eg a Level 30 PC can convert their Level 23 item to 85,000gp and use that money to buy various lower-level stuff, while keeping their Level 25 & Level 28 items.
Returning PCs
Trade Ins
Starting items may be traded in for gold at 20%: level 1 72gp, level 6 360gp, level 11 1,800gp etc, to a maximum of settlement gp limit, and any purchase of replacement items is likewise limited by settlement gp limit. A small town like Bisgen has an 800gp limit. The great metropolises of the Wilderlands, Viridistan and the City State of the Invincible Overlord, have 100,000gp limits, but trade in such wealth is extremely dangerous for all but the most powerful and well-connected characters.
Martial Practices
Martial Power Source PCs can learn Martial Practices (from Martial Power 2) without needing the Practiced Study feat. You still have to have the relevant skill Trained, and you still have to acquire the Practice from study with an NPC, from a manual, etc. Sydow the Priest of Bondorr in Bisgen, is known to be a master of Martial Practices, and some are available from other sources.
PCs can learn Rituals without the Ritual Caster feat, as long as they are trained in at least one of the key skills (Arcana, Religion, Nature, or Heal).
Gods of the Wilderlands
Race progenitors are in CAPs.
The Wilderlands has thousands of gods, many quite minor. All the standard 4e deities are available in a 4e Wilderlands campaign. Most real-world pantheons - Norse (Skandik and Tharbo-Skand), Greek (Ghinoran, & Amazons revere Athena), Egyptian (Western Desert), Babylonian (Paldoran) Celtic (Tharbrian) etc - are widely worshipped, plus some Chinese deities, notably Shang Ti at Antil. The Indian & Japanese gods are worshipped in Karak.
Other Wilderlands deities include:
Deity Sphere Alignment
Hamarkhis Death, Evil CE - differs from Egyptian Hamarkhis
Mohrg Order, The City State U - demigod servitor of Thoth.
Mycr The One God LG - the Holy Cities
Untgargnat Disease CE
Amadad Bog Viridians, Mermen E - Viridistan
Natch Ur Deep Earth E - Viridistan
Tsathogguous Chaos, Toads CE - esp Pagan Coast
Nephtyls Luck, Wealth, Spiders U – City State
The “Unknown Gods”
Umanah The Sun G
Pasperus The Southern Stars E
Rashtri (f) Strength in Revenge U
Bukera Desert Mountains G
Shindra (f) Dancing Girls U
Sinakad Mercy for the Trapped G
Vicon (f) Visions G
Rhianon (f) Witches U
Zarkon Long Rivers U
Kadrim Small Birds U
Limtram (f) Meadows U
Bachontoi Red Wisdom, Sages G
Tangadorn Sky Dwellers U
Margonne Evil Plans E
Bandorack Feline Animals U
Hercon (f) Directional Magic U
Vernaha (f) Pixies G
Trameron The Five Seas U
Tika-Nahu Campfires G
Sashu Justice & Blind Beggars LG
Vivistat Doom Unexplained CE
Frantilla (f) Flying G
Crondussa (f) Eagles U
Tyrebill Light G
Torrchas Fools CE (U)
CILBORITH Elves G aka Corellon
Feninva (f) Blood CE
Partressa (f) Deep Water Fish U
Bondorr Swords U
Kodeus Dexterity, Thieves U
Mondorent (f) Tombs E (U)
Mawdorn Shadows E
Scodem The Hunt U
Losborst Wine U
Mosinylo The North Wind U
Mururlu Assassins E
Promehene Time U
Braz-Kazen Smoke U
Beytnorn Trees U
Corrno Thieves U
Tar-Ark Invisibility U
HEI Giants U
Jedahad Birds & Summer Storms U
Montintra (f) Lightning & Mirrors U
MIDOR Orcs CE aka Gruumsh
Dorak Peace LG
Vidmor (f) Bees U
Dacron Craftsmen U
Suthak (f) Fertility G aka 'The Bright Lady' at Tegel
Grismal Underworld Guardian U
Tel Star The Northern Stars U
Phelonious Ancient Kings U
Mungo Nightmares CE
KAZADARUM Dwarves LG aka Moradin
Penelopania (f) Music U
Molna Travellers G
Lord Skortch Pillage, Rapine CE
Kuvartma The Moon E
Teros The Forest U
Aladantle (f) Beauty G
Dyrantil Alchemy U
Alinah (f) The Moon U
Aniu Time U
Ayu (f) The Winds U
Coriptis (f) Battle U (CE)
Eqni Earth U
Kala Kala Fire U
Ragtha The Waters U aka Poseidon
Tardome Aerial Warfare, Falcons U
Ostyed Natural Disasters CE
Mabont Sight U
Selyton Pain CE
Pernatem Sculptures U
Ihlwynd Pestilence E
Xirchiriog Unbounded Chaos CE+ Aspect: Nivatopredi the Faceless (f)
Mesha (f) The Seasons U
Thanatos Death U 'The Grim Reaper'
Phread Unseeing U
Erion Dogs U
Rahda Children U
TETH TUFA (f) Gnomes LG
Bastiken Farmers and Fields LG
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