Saturday 7 January 2012

Mysk & Lightbringers of Mitra

Mysk (Altanis; Town, Pop. 1,384 within the walls; TL 4): 
Mysk is Antil's southernmost outpost and a trade market for goods from Actun, Antil and the lands surrounding the Sea of Five Winds, including Viridstan. Mysk was established 350 years ago after an
incident with foreigners at Antil caused the death of several Windriders. The foreigners market for traders from the Sea of Five Winds was moved to Mysk to prevent another such incident. Nert Iron-fist, the lord of Mysk, is noted for his nobility and justice. He maintains law and order as well as the security of
the temple of Shang-Ta. Sossul is the leader of the trade delegation from Viridistan and looks upon the natives as inferiors. He is also a priest of Armadad Bog and hasn't had much luck in subverting the population to his views. Items of up to TL 8 are available here, despite the fact that the local craftsmen are not very skilled.

The Lightbringers, a small Chapter of the Order of Mitra, are based at Mysk, the southern trade outpost of Antil on the straits of Maerstag. Their leader is Achilleas. The Order of Mitra is an organisation of Lawful Good Paladins & Clerics dedicated to Mitra, known as the Lion of Justice and the Lawbringer.  Mitra is very popular amongst the Tharbrian clans, but his worship is rare in Altanis.  The Alryans & Alryan-Nerathi commonly associate Mitra with Seker, Lord of Light, a minor LG deity in the Thothic pantheon.  

The Antillian Lord of Mysk, Nert Iron-Fist is a follower of the Antillian Sky God Shang Ta in his LG aspect.  Nert is noted for his nobility and justice, maintaining sound law and justice in the town.  He has cordial relations with the Lightbringers of Mitra, although he does respect the teachings of Shang Ta, which causes tensions over the existence of female warriors in the Order of Mitra.  Female Order members and other female warriors are permitted in Mysk, but they are advised to go disarmed and unarmoured while in the city.  An exception is made for female Elves/Eladrin enjoying the protection of Actun, Antil's ancient ally.

Last year (4433 BCCC) the Order of Mitra suffered a serious reversal when their bastion known as Mitra's Shield Hall* fell to the Red Reavers of Grimalon, a powerful band of marauders led by a group of Paragon ex-adventurers, rumoured to enjoy the support of the World Emperor of Viridistan.  As far as you know, the Paladins of the Shield Hall were all killed or enslaved.
The Shield Hall lies NW of the Romilion Sea, between the Grimalon Plains and Battleplain Gwalion - see - the Order of Mitra is working on gathering resources for a Crusade against the Reavers, it's known that King Galgod 'the Hewer' of Antil and his ally the High Elf (Eladrin) King Redon of Actun would like to see the Reavers weakened, as would the Invincible Overlord of the City State. But they are very powerful, over the last few years they have conquered a vast swathe of Tharbrian territory, and any move against them must be weighed carefully.

Mitra is a Lawful Good sun god, also identified with the Good Alryan-Nerathi sun god Pelor.  He is often worshipped as part of a Dualist system, in opposition to an Evil deity.  The Tharbrians oppose Mitra to the Chaotic Evil death god Hamarkhis, whereas in the Desert Lands and elsewhere his great foe is the Evil serpent god Set, known as Zehir-Seth to the Alryan-Nerathi.

*Known for its gorgeous blonde female Paladins...  >:-)

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