Saturday, 26 March 2011

Gods of the Wilderlands


Race progenitors are in CAPs.

The Wilderlands has thousands of gods, many quite minor.  All the standard 4e deities are available in a 4e Wilderlands campaign.  Most real-world pantheons - Norse (Skandik and Tharbo-Skand), Greek (Ghinoran, & Amazons revere Athena), Egyptian (Western Desert), Babylonian (Paldoran) Celtic (Tharbrian) etc - are widely worshipped, plus some Chinese deities, notably Shang Ti at Antil. The Indian & Japanese gods are worshipped in Karak.

Other Wilderlands deities include:

Deity      Sphere                Alignment

Hamarkhis  Death, Evil              CE - differs from Egyptian Hamarkhis
Mohrg      Order, The City State    U - demigod servitor of Thoth.
Mycr       The One God              LG - the Holy Cities
Untgargnat Disease                  CE
Amadad Bog Viridians, Mermen        E - Viridistan
Natch Ur   Deep Earth               E - Viridistan
Tsathogguous Chaos, Toads           CE - esp Pagan Coast
Nephtyls     Luck, Wealth, Spiders  U City State

The Unknown Gods
Umanah      The Sun                 G
Pasperus    The Southern Stars      E
Rashtri (f) Strength in Revenge     U
Bukera      Desert Mountains        G
Shindra (f) Dancing Girls           U
Sinakad     Mercy for the Trapped   G
Vicon (f)   Visions                 G
Rhianon (f) Witches                 U
Zarkon      Long Rivers             U
Kadrim      Small Birds             U
Limtram (f) Meadows                 U
Bachontoi   Red Wisdom, Sages       G
Tangadorn   Sky Dwellers            U
Margonne    Evil Plans              E
Bandorack   Feline Animals          U
Hercon (f)  Directional Magic       U
Vernaha (f) Pixies                  G
Trameron    The Five Seas           U
Tika-Nahu   Campfires               G
Sashu       Justice & Blind Beggars LG
Vivistat    Doom Unexplained        CE
Frantilla (f) Flying                G
Crondussa (f) Eagles                U
Tyrebill    Light                   G
Torrchas    Fools                   CE (U)
CILBORITH   Elves                   G  aka Corellon
Feninva (f) Blood                   CE
Partressa (f) Deep Water Fish       U
Bondorr     Swords                  U
Kodeus      Dexterity, Thieves      U
Mondorent (f) Tombs                 E (U)
Mawdorn     Shadows                 E
Scodem      The Hunt                U
Losborst    Wine                    U
Mosinylo    The North Wind          U
Mururlu     Assassins               E
Promehene   Time                    U
Braz-Kazen  Smoke                   U
Beytnorn    Trees                   U
Corrno      Thieves                 U
Tar-Ark     Invisibility            U
HEI         Giants                  U
Jedahad     Birds & Summer Storms   U
Montintra (f) Lightning & Mirrors   U
MIDOR       Orcs                    CE aka Gruumsh
Dorak       Peace                   LG
Vidmor (f)  Bees                    U
Dacron      Craftsmen               U
KOLRAK MAR  Trolls                  CE
Suthak (f)  Fertility               G aka 'The Bright Lady' at Tegel
Grismal     Underworld Guardian     U
Tel Star    The Northern Stars      U
Phelonious  Ancient Kings           U
Mungo       Nightmares              CE
KAZADARUM   Dwarves                 LG aka Moradin
Penelopania (f) Music               U
Molna       Travellers              G
Lord Skortch Pillage, Rapine        CE
Kuvartma    The Moon                E
Teros       The Forest              U
Aladantle (f) Beauty                G
Dyrantil     Alchemy                U
Alinah (f)   The Moon               U
Aniu         Time                   U
Ayu (f)      The Winds              U
Coriptis (f) Battle                 U (CE)
Eqni         Earth                  U
Kala Kala    Fire                   U
Ragtha       The Waters             U aka Poseidon
Tardome     Aerial Warfare, Falcons U
Ostyed      Natural Disasters       CE
Mabont      Sight                   U
Selyton     Pain                    CE
Pernatem    Sculptures              U
Ihlwynd     Pestilence              E
Xirchiriog  Unbounded Chaos         CE+ Aspect: Nivatopredi the Faceless (f)
Mesha (f)   The Seasons             U
Thanatos    Death                   U 'The Grim Reaper'
Phread      Unseeing                U
Erion       Dogs                    U
Rahda       Children                U
TETH TUFA (f) Gnomes                LG
Bastiken   Farmers and Fields       LG

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