Tuesday, 6 September 2011


Bulwark Graven, level 5 - Steve
Warforged, Warlord
Build: Bravura Warlord
Warlord: Battlefront Leader
Commanding Presence: Bravura Presence
Background: Defender of the Oppressed (Streetwise class skill)

Str 20, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14.

Str 17, Con 10, Dex 10, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 22 Fort: 19 Reflex: 17 Will: 17
HP: 44 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 11

Athletics +10, Streetwise +9, Intimidate +11, History +9

Acrobatics, Arcana +4, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +3, Heal +2, Insight +2, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion +4, Stealth, Thievery

Level 1: Armored Warlord
Level 2: Axe Expertise
Level 4: Lend Strength

Warlord at-will 1: Wolf Pack Tactics
Warlord at-will 1: Commander's Strike
Warlord encounter 1: Vengeance is Mine
Warlord daily 1: Bastion of Defense
Warlord utility 2: Shake It Off
Warlord encounter 3: No Gambit Is Wasted
Warlord daily 5: Stand the Fallen

Amulet of Protection +1, Magic Scale Armor +1, Magic Battleaxe +1, Heavy Shield, Distance Handaxe +1, Magic Greataxe +1, Climber's Kit, Sunrod (10), Thieves' Tools, Oil (1 pint) (5), Silk Rope (50 ft.) (2), Crowbar, Backpack (empty), Flint and Steel, Belt Pouch (empty), Potion of Healing (heroic tier) (2)

NOTE: I've used the male pronoun but that is for ease of language use.

Character Name: Bulwark Graven
Rank/Position/Concept: Sees himself as a protector of his race.
Sex: NA
Race: Altani Warforged
Homeland: Altanis
Age: Unknown (many thousands)
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 288lb
Colour of - Hair: - Eyes: - Skin: Rune-inscribed on top of his head; Eyes are blue and have a faint glow when in combat; The skin is a bronzed colouration, with a silver coating around the head, hands and feet. Appearance: Imposing, you might say statuesque.
Clothing: If not wearing armour, Bulwark does not wear clothing as he rejects the imposition of standard human social norms.
Demeanour:  Driven

Bulwark constantly searches for any items or knowledge relating to the construction of warforged. I seek information about the nature of my construction, it is clear to me that warforged are superior to mortal races, perhaps the mortal races are much less than they once were?

Twenty years ago, while investigating the 'ruins of Narorich', Bulwark became separated from its other warforged companions. After searching the ruins for two weeks, I found all 5 friends, chopped into pieces and inscribed with
strange looking runes. Taking all the pieces of friends to the surface, Bulwark found an arcanist capable of viewing the moments of their death, from this discovering the name of the Orichalan-Warforged responsible for their death.  Azm Zealot. Bulwark hopes to find the means to restore his companions, and to punish this crazed warforge.

Background: Looter of ancient ruins (Dungeoneering)

Karad Griven
Human Trader (and fence) - Usually found in Bisgen, he has done a great deal of business with Bulwark and is also
his connection to the thief groups found in and around Bisgen. Bulwark has used this connection to gather information in the past, at a cost of course...

Goals & Conflict
The desire to protect others vs the thirst for revenge.
Loyalty to my current group vs the wish to restore my warforged companions.

Presumably Bulwark and his squad awoke from their Altan stasis vault something over 20 years ago?

Bulwark and his squad woke up about 22 years ago.

6. Any information relating to 'Azm Zealot': (Hmm, I rolled a nat 20 on your gather info check!):  Rumours of a warforged matching the description you give, spotted leading a powerful Orc warband south of Bisgen in attacks on the local Altanians, the Tigerclaw (Varek's clan) along Onslaught Stream, and recently twice even crossing the Onslaught Stream to raid the manors around Bisgen.  The Orcs are believed to be based at Sarn's Tower, a newly built stronghold which dominates an enslaved Altanian village near the coast.  Sarn is believed to be an Orc priest of Midor, their god (aka Gruumsh).

7. Detailed information relating to warforged or ruins that may contain warforged: You hear a second-hand tale of an open Stasis Vault on the slopes of Madcat Mountain.  The adventurers who found it reported heaps of rusting metal in the first vault, a second vault beyond appeared unopened, but when a flame trap incinerated the party Rogue they decided to leave well alone, and returned to Bisgen with several gems and pieces taken from the 'corpses' in the first vault.  Since then the area of Madcat Mountain has become over-run with Orcs.

Ruins of Azt Gorn

The ruins of Azt Gorn were only discovered about 3 months ago, since when a number of groups have attempted to enter, of which only one human has returned.  This human appears to have 'blocked out' some of his more horrifying experiences?
The ruins were eventually discovered from an investigation of inscriptions found in the ruins of Azt Do, far to the south. The inscription indicated the presence of a large number of Warforged, held in stasis. There had apparently been a map of the location, but time and water damage had eroded the map to such an extent that very little useful information could be gathered from it.
The ruins themselves had appeared to be a low-hill on the surface, but apparently this just concealed the entrance to a deep silo.


There is a rumour that the ruins are defended by a psychopathic Warforged of some sort.
A number of Warforged-like constructs seemed to be defending the ruins.


Bulwark heard the rumour about the Psychopath Warforged and, suspecting this might be Azm Zealot, decided not to inform the others but to push for investigating the ruins. Bulwark also hopes to find further information about the creation of warforged, and to release any remaining warforged from their stasis.

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