Tuesday 23 August 2011


Name: Saryth Wintermoon  Player: Judith
Rank/Position/Concept: Hunted (haunted) escapee of the Winter Realm
Sex: Female
Species: Revenant Eladrin
Race: Winter Fey
Homeland: The Winter Realm
Age: 23 (apparent age)
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 130lb
Colour of - Hair: White; Eyes: Indigo, white pupils; Skin: Bluish-White
Appearance: Graceful, ascetic.  Close to, it feels like she's radiating cold.
Clothing: Layered leather armour of eladrin make, dyed indigo.  Clothing is flowing but practical, based around a colour palette of white, indigo and black.
Demeanour: Cordial, curious, but always looking over her shoulder.
Motivations: Fascinated by this bizarre warm countryside!  So very odd and interesting!  But underneath that joy in discovery is a sense of time running out, that whatever is hunting her is drawing ever closer and her chances of finding sanctuary - if sanctuary even exists - are diminishing day by day.

I have a lead-in idea for Saryth that she has been in Renth long enough to gain a reputation as a competent and dependable swordmaiden, and is escorting/bodyguarding Theyvatta of Renth, the half-elven wife of a kidnapped local merchant, east to the Stone Axe Inn to negotiate the payment of ransom to Shadar's Band, the bandits who are holding her husband.  My idea for Megaera is that she is travelling to the Stone Axe Inn because she believes it to be the source of the dark visions of human sacrifice which have been disturbing her sleep; perhaps there is also some kind of mystic compulsion...
The two PCs could know each other in Renth, perhaps they met at a church or library (or church-library!) while investigating rumours of an elusive 'Sanctuary' that offers hope to both of them that they might somehow avoid their dark fates.  Saryth could have told Magaera about the escort mission, & Meg might have volunteered to go along as an additional bodyguard, as well as for her own reasons.


Ennathren Mirael
Elven Priestess of Sehanine based in Renth, senior of the three priestesses based at the shrine.  A longtime resident of Renth and well-versed in the lore of the Winter King, she's taken Saryth under her wing, acting as a confidante and advisor.

Kaveri Narr
Half-elven horse trader.  He regularly travels between Renth and Bisgen as well as other settlements in the region.  Saryth has worked for him several times escorting him and his caravans around the region.  Kaveri came to the area about 5 years ago - no one's quite sure from where - but local rumour has it there's some dark secret in his background.

Half-orc escaped slave gladiator living in Bisgen.  He makes his living hiring out as a mercenary or other muscle for hire.  Gulkathu met Saryth when the two were working for Kaveri and despite a rough start, they ended up developing a mutual respect for each other.  He's not exactly high-principled, but looking back on his own experiences, the only people he point-blank refuses to work for are slavers.

Malaric Astlar
Aging human Hedge Wizard living in Bisgen who is well-known amongst the townsfolk for brewing love potions and cure-alls - occasionally they even work!  He's fascinated by Saryth (in hopefully a not-too-skeevy-way!) but has his suspicions she's not exactly what she claims to be.

Andradin e'Darryan
An Actun eladrin sea captain, commanding the trading xebec "Errant Venture", Andradin originally met Saryth when she travelled on his ship from Actun to Renth.  Since then he has kept in contact as far as possible, bringing her news and small gifts whenever the Venture docks at Renth.  Fearing his reaction should he discover her true nature, Saryth has tried to discourage his attentions, but has to admit to herself that she enjoys his company.

I have an idea that Saryth is fleeing something very horrible and very cold, something that seeks to drag her back to the Winter King's realm... have you read "A Wizard of Earthsea"? >:)  She has run south into the hot lands of Altanis, as far as she can go - any further south and it starts getting colder again!


From: Judith Marshallsay <alekto_uk@hotmail.com>
To: Simon Newman <s.t.newman@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 6:53 PM
Subject: Southlands

Some character stuff - you said there was scope within the setting for another ancient empire...

Southlands Background

The Winter Realm

Centuries, perhaps millennia ago, there was a Realm of the Eladrin, its name lost to time, ruled over by one whom history remembers only as the Winter King.  Though the Winter Fey were of the same race as all eladrin, the Winter King held his people to be distinct from their brethren and thus when the King of Actun called for the aid of the Winter Fey fighting a great enemy, he refused.  Dismayed by their King's decision to deny aid to their kin, some amongst his Captains chose to disobey and bade their troops ready for war.

When their actions became known to him, the Winter King called his Captains to him and spoke to them of the need to protect their own realm and its people, reminding them of the times they had needed aid and none had been sent, but his arguments were in vain.  As the last of his Captains left the Winter Court to gather their troops, the Winter King was overwhelmed by a great and terrible anger.  Drawing on all his power he reached deep into the immanent cold of the Winter Realm and drew it forth, intending to close the borders of his realm that none could leave.  The cold, vast and protean, willingly answered his call reaching across the borders between the dimensions, spreading faster and further, but in his rage the Winter King noticed too late that it had passed beyond his ability to control.  Clouds of freezing fog swept down the corridors and hallways of the Citadel, creeping under doors until the entire Citadel was engulfed.  Where the fog had touched, every surface was left rimed in ice.  Alone and unmoving, the Winter King sat on a frozen throne.  Some few of the Winter Fey had seen the cloud coming and managed to flee to safety, eventually seeking refuge in Actun, but the rest lay where they fell, consigned to a frozen living death.

As time passed, the fog drifted beyond the Citadel and all that lay within the borders of the Winter Realm was locked as if in the coldest winter.  Fey creatures roamed the frozen forest, tasked by the Winter King to guard the borders of his domain from any who would disturb it.  Within the Citadel, the spirits of the Winter Fey who could not escape were drawn into the still-living mind of the Winter King, into his Dream of what should have been...

Saryth Wintermoon

There are two sorts of Winter Fey: the descendants of those who fled the Winter Realm and the corpses of those who didn't.  Saryth Wintermoon is one of the latter.  Over the years the borders of the Winter Realm have ebbed and flowed; where they have drawn back, they have sometimes revealed a frozen corpse of one of the Winter Fey who failed to escape.  Given time, luck and perhaps the will of the Gods, the spirit of that eladrin was able to break free from the Dream to re-inhabit and re-animate its body before the cold returned.

Saryth awoke from the Dream three years ago with only fractured memories merging the Dream with ages-old reality.  Elven priests from a resident mission devoted to Sehanine, once the patron goddess of the Winter Fey, found her and tended her.  Accompanying a supply caravan, she travelled to Actun where other priests of Sehanine took her in and gave her time to adjust to the world into which she had awoken.  They taught her how to control and utilise the cold within her spirit, to shape it for attack and defence, and to manifest it to form what they described as the Blade of Winter Mourning.

As soon as was deemed reasonable, Saryth left Actun to settle in Renth, away from the accusing gazes of High Elves who still remembered tales of the Winter King's refusal to help them in their hour of need.


Name: Saryth Wintermoon
Rank/Position/Concept: Free Sword loosely attached to the Church of Sehanine
Sex: Female
Species: Revenant Eladrin
Race: Winter Fey
Homeland: The Winter Realm / Actun / Renth
Age: 23 (apparent age)
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 130lb
Colour of - Hair: White; Eyes: Indigo, white pupils; Skin: Bluish-White
Appearance: Graceful, Ascetic.  Close to, it feels like she's radiating cold.
Clothing: Reinforced leather armour of eladrin make, dyed indigo (treated as Hide).  Clothing is flowing but practical, based around a colour palette of white, indigo and black.
Demeanour: Curious; naïve about many non-eladrin/elf things.
Motivations: Currently tagging along with a group of elven traders travelling from Renth to Bisgen with a view to buying a horse.  Saryth wants to get out, to explore - as far as she's concerned, stories of ancient treasures and fell creatures definitely sound worth looking into!  (But with a view to avoiding anything related to undead as far as possible - some things are too close for comfort!).  Since she's awoken, she's been an outsider.  She's looking for comrades who will take her for who she is, not what she is.

Possible links to other PCs - any Red Elves/Half-elves with connections to Renth; Ranger/Warden or other outdoors type scouting for the elven traders; anything related to Sehanine.

 ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Saryth Wintermoon, level 3
Revenant, Hexblade
Choose your Race in Life: Eladrin
Background: Pledged Scout (Perception class skill)
Str 8, Con 13, Dex 17, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 19.
Str 8, Con 13, Dex 15, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 17.

AC: 19 Fort: 13 Reflex: 15 Will: 16
HP: 35 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 8
Arcana +6, Perception +6, Stealth +8, Intimidate +12
Acrobatics +3, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +3, Heal +1, History +1, Insight +1, Nature +1, Religion +1, Streetwise +5, Thievery +3, Athletics -1
Level 1: Rod Expertise
Level 2: Silvery Glow
Level 1 Hexblade Daily Power: Armor of Agathys
Level 2 Hexblade Utility Power: Ethereal Stride
Blade of Winter's Mourning, Adventurer's Kit, Magic Hide Armor +1, Magic Rod +1, Dagger, Potion of Healing (heroic tier) (2)

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