Bisgen (Altanis; Town, Pop. at full was 2,248 within the walls; TL 4): Resources: Nil. Wealth Limit: 840gp. Area approx 1200'x1800', 49 acres (1 acre = 43,560 square feet); 960 square feet per person, 45 persons per acre at full population.
Authority Figure: Borritt Crowfinger, Prince of Nerath Restored
Important Characters:
Sir Tal Lorvas, Knight Concordant of Nerath Restored, apprentice of Borritt Crowfinger
Lady Elizabeth Moondew, young Nerathi aristocrat (Moondew Estate)
Lady Chelarre Foxwood, the 3 orphaned Cormarrin children are her wards (Foxwood Estate)
Cerille, priestess of Erathis - Religious/Healing rituals to lvl 6 (was recovered from the cells under Baron's Vila)
Bisgen was established several thousand years ago by a wandering tribe of Altanian nomads. The new Alryan rulers, Borritt Crowfinger and his apprentice Tal Lorvas, are powerful Necromancers. They are working towards the re-establishment of the Empire of Nerath, which fell to the Gnoll Hordes of White Ruin more than two centuries ago.