Friday, 16 March 2012

CSIO/Alryan/Nerathi Military Terminology

The major Alryan power is the City State of the Invincible Overlord in northern Pazidan, from which descended the Empire of Nerath in Barbarian Altanis.
The basic unit of organisation in Alryan armies is the Throng. 

1 Throng is theoretically up to 100 men, but typically 40 men, similar to a Roman century or modern Platoon.
5 (3-6) Throngs = 1 Vasthrong (200), similar to a modern Company.
Lance = 5 horse
Squadron is typically 4 (2-6) Lances, 20 horse.
Equithrong = 10 Squadrons (200 cavalry)
2 (2-4) Vasthrongs (400) + 1 Equithrong (200) + ca 200 mercenaries etc = 1 Battle (600+200=800), similar to modern Battalion.
3 Battles = 1 Vasthost (2400), similar to a modern Regiment or Roman Legion.

CSIO: The Full Army of the Overlord of the City State = 2 Vasthosts (4800), one of Regular soldiery, the other of feudal Nobles' Levy.  This is the force that can be (a) mustered at short notice and (b) reliably fielded for the waging of war against the Overlord's enemies. In time of crisis, with time to prepare the Overlord may be able to raise an additional 1 or 2 Vasthosts of 
mercenary troops, non-citizen auxiliaries, and levies from the far-flung dominions.
For further discussion see

Nerath: During the Conquest of Nerath, the gnoll horde of White Ruin destroyed the Northern Vasthost of Nerath prior to the Final Battle on Gedden Plain, just north of the capital, Nera. Nerath's King Elidyr commanded a Vasthost of regular Nerathi soldiery and levy militia, with a similar sized auxiliary Vasthost of Altanian barbarians under the Lord-General, Ral Hoth-Nor.  The total Nerathi force size is estimated by historians to have been around 5,000-6,000, with the Gnoll army being somewhat larger, probably around 8,000 strong, possibly as high as 12,000.  The Nerathi Vasthost was almost entirely eliminated, whereas the Altanian auxiliaries withdrew with relatively light casualties, as rather than pursue them the gnolls then fell upon Nera itself.

Warrior-types in the CSIO.
The City State has a population of around 80,000, with a theoretical combatant population of up to 20,000 (including slaves, foreigners etc), but no trained militia.  There are typically around 8,000 trained combatants within the city, the bulk in organised and semi-organised forces, as follows:

Type        Number
Constables    335   - for City Policing
Guards        1363   - for City Defense
of which
Swordsmen        477
Crossbows        249
Archers/Longbows        140
Spears/Pikes        388
Catapultists        109
Royal Barracks        1500 - Overlord's Vasthost
Marines        369  - for policing of the Roglaroon
of which
Swordsmen        120
Crossbows        120
Spears/Pikes        105
Catapultists        24
Royal Cavalry        1500 - Overlord's Vasthost
of which
Light        800
Medium        150
Heavy        50
Bow        500

Knights: 420, of which
Knights Errant        240  - Nobles' Vasthost
Knights Bachelor        120 - Nobles' Vasthost
Knights Banneret        60 - Nobles' Vasthost

(In time of war each Knight is expected to field a Lance of 5 men from his estate, typically including the Knight himself, giving an additional 420x4=1680 men, 2100 total (1 Vasthost)) 
Mercenaries        1500 - Overlord & Nobles' Vasthost auxiliary
(Companies: 2 of cavalry, 1 each of light cavalry, heavy foot, pike, medium foot, siege, archers, sappers. I based the figure on some 150-170 troops per company, about the same as in the various wall companies of the city.)

Amazons        133 - special force under Langwellan the Blue Wizard, currently used for Undercity warfare/policing. Excludes den mothers, girls (0-14), and amazons-in-training (15-17).  At 18 the fully trained amazon warriors enter the Undercity on an initial 6 month tour of duty, those who survive (ca 50%) are then permitted to bear children between further tours of duty. The small number of amazons who survive to age 40 normally retire from service as honoured veterans.   The standard 18-month cycle is as follows:

6 month Undercity tour.
Pregnancy, 6 month Surface Tour.
Late Pregnancy 3 months, childbirth, up to 3 months nursing before babes go to Creche.

For Amazons who do not become pregnant, a 6 month Undercity tour is alternated with a 6 month Surface tour. Amazons found to be pregnant during Undercity Tour are normally redeployed for at least the last 3 months pre-partum.
Total Forces        6685

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Character Goals

I occasionally ask players about Character Goals.  This list from White Dwarf 54 is the kind of thing I'm thinking of.  The article suggests PCs choose up to 4 goals from the list below or suggested by player and agreed by GM. The GM can then award XP according to degree of achievement in those goals.  In 4e terms this would typically be a mix of player-initiated minor & major quest awards.

Furtherance of Scholarly Studies - history, linguistics, customs etc
Furtherance of Art - music, architecture, craft etc
Furtherance of Science and Technology
Wealth - finances or hoards of treasure
Earthly pleasures - wine women drugs etc
Romance - true love
Power over others - political, religious, criminal etc
Fame - renown far and wide
Rank - social, military etc
Preservation of status quo - inc 'Balance'
Preservation of Nature
Preservation of Order
Comradeship - friendship, feasting etc
Risk - physical or financial
Commercial business - set up trade caravans, run merchant ship etc
Collecting - jewelry, antiques, weapons, paintings etc
Religious Service
Battle Glory
Image Cultivation - distinctive appearance, vehicle, style etc
Freedom - personal or for others
Chivalry - mercy, fairness etc
Honour - duty to liege, family, friends or own dignity
Mystical Power - finding new spells, magic items etc
Patriotism - acting in country/tribe's best interests
Discovery - bringing new knowledge to own culture/civilisation
Experience wonders - travel through strange lands, other planes etc
Intrigue - secret scheming & plotting
Materialism - have & care for horses, castle, private island etc
Welfare of others - 'Good'
Responsibility - to care out task, take care of charges etc
Expansion of Civilisation - pioneering spirit
Wanton Destruction - Chaotic Evil
Cruelty - Evil
Persecution of Evil
Competition - relish race to complete quest etc
Personal Feat - hunting great beast, climb mountain etc 'Because it's there'
Creation - make new magic items, design vehicle etc
Self-Discipline - ascetism, managing without, self-control
Trickery - thwarting authority, practical jokes etc.