Monday, 2 April 2012

Restored Nerath

At the end of M7 4434 BCCC, the undead armies of Nerath Restored captured the city of Bisgen after a bitter conflict.  Most of the population had escaped east towards the Castellan Mountains and the territory of the Winged Ape Clan.

Bisgen (Altanis; Town, Pop. at full was 2,248 within the walls; TL 4):  Resources: Nil.  Wealth Limit: 840gp.  Area approx 1200'x1800', 49 acres (1 acre =  43,560 square feet); 960 square feet per person, 45 persons per acre at full population.

Authority Figure: Borritt Crowfinger, Prince of Nerath Restored
Important Characters: 
Sir Tal Lorvas, Knight Concordant of Nerath Restored, apprentice of Borritt Crowfinger
Lady Elizabeth Moondew, young Nerathi aristocrat (Moondew Estate)
Lady Chelarre Foxwood,  the 3 orphaned Cormarrin children are her wards (Foxwood Estate)
Cerille, priestess of Erathis - Religious/Healing rituals to lvl 6 (was recovered from the cells under Baron's Vila)

Bisgen was established several thousand years ago by a wandering tribe of Altanian nomads.  The new Alryan rulers, Borritt Crowfinger and his apprentice Tal Lorvas, are powerful Necromancers.  They are working towards the re-establishment of the Empire of Nerath, which fell to the Gnoll Hordes of White Ruin more than two centuries ago.

Friday, 16 March 2012

CSIO/Alryan/Nerathi Military Terminology

The major Alryan power is the City State of the Invincible Overlord in northern Pazidan, from which descended the Empire of Nerath in Barbarian Altanis.
The basic unit of organisation in Alryan armies is the Throng. 

1 Throng is theoretically up to 100 men, but typically 40 men, similar to a Roman century or modern Platoon.
5 (3-6) Throngs = 1 Vasthrong (200), similar to a modern Company.
Lance = 5 horse
Squadron is typically 4 (2-6) Lances, 20 horse.
Equithrong = 10 Squadrons (200 cavalry)
2 (2-4) Vasthrongs (400) + 1 Equithrong (200) + ca 200 mercenaries etc = 1 Battle (600+200=800), similar to modern Battalion.
3 Battles = 1 Vasthost (2400), similar to a modern Regiment or Roman Legion.

CSIO: The Full Army of the Overlord of the City State = 2 Vasthosts (4800), one of Regular soldiery, the other of feudal Nobles' Levy.  This is the force that can be (a) mustered at short notice and (b) reliably fielded for the waging of war against the Overlord's enemies. In time of crisis, with time to prepare the Overlord may be able to raise an additional 1 or 2 Vasthosts of 
mercenary troops, non-citizen auxiliaries, and levies from the far-flung dominions.
For further discussion see

Nerath: During the Conquest of Nerath, the gnoll horde of White Ruin destroyed the Northern Vasthost of Nerath prior to the Final Battle on Gedden Plain, just north of the capital, Nera. Nerath's King Elidyr commanded a Vasthost of regular Nerathi soldiery and levy militia, with a similar sized auxiliary Vasthost of Altanian barbarians under the Lord-General, Ral Hoth-Nor.  The total Nerathi force size is estimated by historians to have been around 5,000-6,000, with the Gnoll army being somewhat larger, probably around 8,000 strong, possibly as high as 12,000.  The Nerathi Vasthost was almost entirely eliminated, whereas the Altanian auxiliaries withdrew with relatively light casualties, as rather than pursue them the gnolls then fell upon Nera itself.

Warrior-types in the CSIO.
The City State has a population of around 80,000, with a theoretical combatant population of up to 20,000 (including slaves, foreigners etc), but no trained militia.  There are typically around 8,000 trained combatants within the city, the bulk in organised and semi-organised forces, as follows:

Type        Number
Constables    335   - for City Policing
Guards        1363   - for City Defense
of which
Swordsmen        477
Crossbows        249
Archers/Longbows        140
Spears/Pikes        388
Catapultists        109
Royal Barracks        1500 - Overlord's Vasthost
Marines        369  - for policing of the Roglaroon
of which
Swordsmen        120
Crossbows        120
Spears/Pikes        105
Catapultists        24
Royal Cavalry        1500 - Overlord's Vasthost
of which
Light        800
Medium        150
Heavy        50
Bow        500

Knights: 420, of which
Knights Errant        240  - Nobles' Vasthost
Knights Bachelor        120 - Nobles' Vasthost
Knights Banneret        60 - Nobles' Vasthost

(In time of war each Knight is expected to field a Lance of 5 men from his estate, typically including the Knight himself, giving an additional 420x4=1680 men, 2100 total (1 Vasthost)) 
Mercenaries        1500 - Overlord & Nobles' Vasthost auxiliary
(Companies: 2 of cavalry, 1 each of light cavalry, heavy foot, pike, medium foot, siege, archers, sappers. I based the figure on some 150-170 troops per company, about the same as in the various wall companies of the city.)

Amazons        133 - special force under Langwellan the Blue Wizard, currently used for Undercity warfare/policing. Excludes den mothers, girls (0-14), and amazons-in-training (15-17).  At 18 the fully trained amazon warriors enter the Undercity on an initial 6 month tour of duty, those who survive (ca 50%) are then permitted to bear children between further tours of duty. The small number of amazons who survive to age 40 normally retire from service as honoured veterans.   The standard 18-month cycle is as follows:

6 month Undercity tour.
Pregnancy, 6 month Surface Tour.
Late Pregnancy 3 months, childbirth, up to 3 months nursing before babes go to Creche.

For Amazons who do not become pregnant, a 6 month Undercity tour is alternated with a 6 month Surface tour. Amazons found to be pregnant during Undercity Tour are normally redeployed for at least the last 3 months pre-partum.
Total Forces        6685

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Character Goals

I occasionally ask players about Character Goals.  This list from White Dwarf 54 is the kind of thing I'm thinking of.  The article suggests PCs choose up to 4 goals from the list below or suggested by player and agreed by GM. The GM can then award XP according to degree of achievement in those goals.  In 4e terms this would typically be a mix of player-initiated minor & major quest awards.

Furtherance of Scholarly Studies - history, linguistics, customs etc
Furtherance of Art - music, architecture, craft etc
Furtherance of Science and Technology
Wealth - finances or hoards of treasure
Earthly pleasures - wine women drugs etc
Romance - true love
Power over others - political, religious, criminal etc
Fame - renown far and wide
Rank - social, military etc
Preservation of status quo - inc 'Balance'
Preservation of Nature
Preservation of Order
Comradeship - friendship, feasting etc
Risk - physical or financial
Commercial business - set up trade caravans, run merchant ship etc
Collecting - jewelry, antiques, weapons, paintings etc
Religious Service
Battle Glory
Image Cultivation - distinctive appearance, vehicle, style etc
Freedom - personal or for others
Chivalry - mercy, fairness etc
Honour - duty to liege, family, friends or own dignity
Mystical Power - finding new spells, magic items etc
Patriotism - acting in country/tribe's best interests
Discovery - bringing new knowledge to own culture/civilisation
Experience wonders - travel through strange lands, other planes etc
Intrigue - secret scheming & plotting
Materialism - have & care for horses, castle, private island etc
Welfare of others - 'Good'
Responsibility - to care out task, take care of charges etc
Expansion of Civilisation - pioneering spirit
Wanton Destruction - Chaotic Evil
Cruelty - Evil
Persecution of Evil
Competition - relish race to complete quest etc
Personal Feat - hunting great beast, climb mountain etc 'Because it's there'
Creation - make new magic items, design vehicle etc
Self-Discipline - ascetism, managing without, self-control
Trickery - thwarting authority, practical jokes etc.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Southlands Chapters

Chapter 1 - Weekends at The Ship: 10 sessions July-November 2011
Chapter 2 - Mondays at The Counting House: 10 sessions November 2011-April 2012

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Letters looted from the Cormarrin Estate

Most of the written material you looted concerns mundane details of Cormarrin estate management. Apparently the drainage in the lower field is a source of frequent concern. There are some letters from Valoth Mett about how much he is looking forward to marrying Tessa Cormarrin, what a fine figure of Nerathi womanhood she is, despite questions over the purity of her maternal parentage. There are several messages which appear to be in code, based on an archaic form of Alryan. They appear to be six from Thulseus Doomfire - these inscribed with the snake sigil of Zehir - three from Borritt Crowfinger on what looks like human-skin parchment, and a couple from Morthor Coff, these with the Black Sun sigil. Dates are noted, the most recent is from Borritt Crowfinger and dated one week ago.

Varek takes 30 minutes and 3 healing surges to use Decipher Script and puzzle out the most recent pieces of correspondence:

(a) Borritt Crowfinger's last letter concerns planning arrangements for the upcoming campaign to re-establish Nerath, beginning with the 'liberation' of Bisgen. He apologises to Halvath for the delay caused by the failure of his deceased apprentice Malac Roake, but despite the loss of the Staff of Olnehr and 'difficulties with Lord Nexull' he is gathering the forces of the Blood Cairn and the Carnelian Plain, and he still hopes to reach Bisgen 'on time'. He understands that Tal Lorvas will still have to go ahead with the ritual employing the Ring of Nemeia, and urges Halvath not to delay.

(b) Morthor Coff's letter is very hard to understand, but seems to concern 'Stabilisation of the Black Sun Gate'.  Energy is being channelled through the Gate to the Princes and certain Knights Concordant of Nerath Restored.  However this is taking a large number of human sacrifices. Coff complains that their supporters in the Clanute have not been sending as much money as promised, and that acquiring sufficient numbers of sacrificial victims is growing increasingly difficult.  Coff says that they cannot maintain the current rate of energy transmission indefinitely unless many more sacrifices are acquired.  On the bright side, the Son of Bane's War Fleet is now mustering at Palen Spring.  The Antillians will allow them to pass the Straits of Clashing Rocks, then they will soon reach Valera.
The Clanute is the nobles' senate of the City State of the Invincible Overlord.

(c) Thulseus Doomfire's last missive is from several months ago. He greets Halvath cordially, but urges caution, advising that Nerath Restored should not act too soon. He expresses scepticism over the prospects of success for young Tal Lorvas - "The Tomb of the Demon Empress has consumed greater heroes than that young whippersnapper".  There is some stuff about the Winged Ape clan having withdrawn northwards, and the Arang-Tok orcs expanding in power, with control of the Skydome tower. Interrogation of captured Arang-Tok orcs indicates that they hold an Orichalan Dragon Lord captive at their fortress, and that he has been supplying the orcs with alchemical concoctions. Doomfire suspects that the Orichalan may actually be manipulating the stupid orcs. This could tie in with reports that at least one Orichalan Warforged is working with the Arang-Tok. "The Orichalans' hatred of the Redskins should not lull us into thinking they are any friends of Nerath. In time it will become necessary to destroy this threat also."

Saturday, 28 January 2012


When you hit Paragon level (11th), if you have the relevant weaponsmith or armoursmith practice you can reforge +1 or +2 gear to +3. This will normally take a good deal of time though (possibly weeks), unless you have the cash to buy a lot of residuum. [:D] If the result is an item above your level it will take both time and money.


Reforge +2 weapon to +3, this would give you +1 to hit/damage until 12th level (when your Inherent attack bonus goes to +3), and a permanent extra d6 on critical hits.

Reforge +2 masterwork plate (+9 armour bonus, +2 enhancement bonus) to +3 masterwork plate (+10 armour bonus, +3 enhancement bonus): This would give a +1 enhancement bonus to AC until 14th level (when your Inherent AC  bonus goes to +3), and a permanent +1 armour bonus to AC.


Level 11 PC with +2 masterwork plate & heavy shield: AC 10+5(level)+11(+2mwplate)+2(shield)=AC 28.
Level 11 PC with +3 masterwork plate & heavy shield: AC 10+5(level)+13(+3mwplate)+2(shield)=AC 30.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


Character: Varek of the Tiger Claw clan.
Brawler Fighter
Race: Altanian
Age: 27
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 202 lbs
Colour of - Hair: - Eyes: - Skin: Dark Brown, Brown, Tanned

Appearance: A weathered Altanian clansman with a broad and impassive face. Hair and a rough beard both cropped short – this is done regularly to avoid being gripped in a fight, but Varek’s tribe are warriors, not barbers, so he looks quite scruffy!
Clothing: Armour is a sleeveless scale corselet with heavy greaves on the lower legs. Besides metal bracers, his scarred arms are bare. His gear- and sword-belts are worn from hard use, as are his boots. A red cloak hangs about his shoulders, of very fine silk, but now torn, mended and heavily travel-stained.
Demeanour: A pragmatic man, shaped by hard military expeditions since a young age. Varek is uncomplaining in the face of death and privation, but prone to grumble about quality of food, ugliness of women, luck with dice etc when times are good.

Motivations: Following a rather unsuccessful campaign fighting pirates on the high seas, Varek was destitute and had to take service as a guard officer in Bisgen – this was a step down from more active pursuits, despite being the best fighter of Parre’s men he quickly became bored. The pay never seemed to add up to enough for him to leave, so the opportunity to join an adventuring band in looting and reaving was very welcome. Like most mercenaries Varek wants enough gold to live like a king, albeit for a short stretch, and like all the best soldiers he wants to drive his enemies before him, win mighty battles, and hear the acclaim of fellow warriors.

Background: Varek left the Tiger Claws when he was 14 on a horse and with a sword that weren’t necessarily his (depending on how you look at it). While Altanian tribes have no feudal hierarchy, the boys of any tribe likely to excel are the sons of prominent warriors – and Varek’s father was a worthless drunk, derided to his face by better men. Varek’s mother wouldn’t even take him as a husband, so young Varek grew up seeing his father at a distance and with contempt. In training, play and the esteem of the tribe, he was always lagging behind boy with better families and blood, denied his true potential. Eventually, realising he would not rise to glory among them, he picked a quarrel, beat a rival half to death (hence the horse and sword) and rode out. He has wandered in search of battle and far horizons ever since.


Character Name: Galadhil; pejoratively known as ‘The King of Slaves’ by Altarans and Yamnich’Tok by the orcish tribes of the south (literally the ‘Broken Knight’)
Rank/Position/Concept: Errant Knight of Mitra
Sex: Male
Race: Half-elf (Half Grey Elf, Half Altarian Human)
Homeland: Altanis
Age: 21
Height: 6’2
Weight: 140lbs
Colour of - Hair: Golden- Eyes: Amber - Skin: Browny Red

Appearance: Though gifted with a striking face thanks to his mixed heritage, years of slavery and malnutrition have gifted Galadhil with an underweight and frail physical frame. He is often stooped, having not totally shaken the habit of constantly looking at the ground looking for scraps of food. Galadhil’s arms are jagged and misshapen, having been broken in multiple places during the slaughter at the Castillan Monastery of Dorak and fused oddly due to the bone having set badly.

Clothing: When not wearing armour, Galadhil wears a simple slaves tunic, with the symbol of Mitra rudely sown on.

Demeanour: Silent and meek, Galadhil sometimes suffers from back spasms and pain in his arms which he avoids by reciting the rituals of the one god. Once righteous battle commences, no war cries are screamed, no oaths thrown at the enemy, but tears of regret at his failure to preserve life stream down his cheeks.

Motivations: To free all slaves. Though at first the definition of slavery was quite literal in Galadhil’s mind, slowly this has come to included tyranny and subjugation in both arcane and social spheres of society. Being a follower of Mitra and having been taught by an order of war priests who above all see the preservation of life in all good things as paramount, Galadhil hates the practitioner’s of the necromantic arts that practice their own subjugation over the dead. Similarly, due to the tyrannical nature of the orcish race, Galadhil holds little love for the green skins.

Secondary Motivation: find out why his mother was this far south and where she came from.


An interrupted childhood…
His mother having died giving birth to him in the Castellan mountains, Galadhil was found by a monk of Dorak 21 years ago. The monks took him in and raised him in the ways of the forgotten God of Peace.  When the monastery was attacked by a barbarian war band 13 ears later, the monks were slaughtered to a man, having refused to take up arms to defend themselves as per their God‘s commandment. Witnessing the butchering of his surrogate family, a young Galadhil picked up a dropped sword and attacked Guthrig, Chieftain of the Stormcrows, who, laughing, broke both the boy’s arms with the blunt of his axe and kept him as a slave, repeatedly beating him when Galadhil spilled a wineskin or simply when Guthrig was in need of some amusement.

An adolescence of slavery…
For 3 years Galadhil served the Stormcrows, until the warband were ambushed themselves by orcish slavers. By this time Galadhil had lost faith in the teachings of Dorak, only might was right. Only those with strength and the willingness to use it were blessed by the gods. What did the weak get? Death… if you were lucky.

If the 3 years with the Barbarians had seemed bad, compared to 3 weeks with an orcish tribe you’d have thought you were in an Antillian Brothel! A fellow captive, a human paladin by the name of Beren, spoke to Galadhil and taught him something other than despair and wretchedness, Beren taught him hope through the teachings of Mitrak and together they led a slave uprising against their oppressors. Beren having killed the Orc Chieftain, died of his wounds, not before imploring Galadhil to seek out the Temple of Light in Mysk and tell his brothers of his valiant death.

An adulthood of devotion by the sword…
Galadhil took up Beren’s sword and travelled to Mysk, where he was inducted into the Brotherhood of the Lightbringers, a military order of Mitra. Here Galadhil learned of the sanctity of life and the need for the protection of the weak and the good. Here he learned that might was not right in itself, but could be used as an implement to perform good. Galadhil now travels the south, freeing slaves and fighting tyranny wherever he finds them. 

Recently infiltrated the Orc mining village Barath posing as an Antillian slave with the shipment from Mysk, defeated Urgrash a powerful black orc mine boss, Galadhil donned his defeated oponent’s layered plate armour, and recovered Beren‘s sword which had been sold to the orcs.

Galadhil's undercover quest to free the mining slaves of Barath was not sanctioned by the Order of Mitra, since it obviously puts them in opposition to the Antillians.  Also orthodox Mitraism does not forbid slavery per se, though it is against slave raiding & mistreatment of slaves.  Only the rumoured Mycr, the Unknown God, truly opposes enslavement. 


Achilleas: Head of the Lightbringers in Mysk. 50 years old, father figure.

Finwë: An red elven merchant situated in Bisgen used by the Lightbringers to send messages. Sometimes travels but often has made Bisgen his base of operations since

Aaricia: a slave girl whom he saved when she was 12 four years ago from slavers; lives in Renth as a silk weaver; she is devoted to him; to Galadhil is a little sister figure. Has not seen her in 18 months.

Hrothgar of the Longclaw Clan: a war chief with whom Galadhil allied himself recently when fighting Urgrash and his orc tribe.

Goals & Conflict: Inner conflict between his childhood beliefs of peace and his need to protect through violence; contradiction in his goal to protecting life by killing; another contradiction/conflict is Freedom from tyranny yet he is essentially a religious zealot. There could also be some Grey Elf stuff happening but I don’t know whether they are ever gonna make an appearance so I’ll obviously leave that up to you.

Development: Eventually I think I want my character to realise that might is never right and that violence only breeds violence. Im basically following the whole T.H. White  proggression in his Arthurian novels i.e. Might is right à might can be used for the righteous à Might is never right.

Playstyle: I enjoy debating, particularly moral philosophy so unless you don’t find that suitable I’ll probably like to engage Galadhil into a of those as he is hugely conflicted ethically (even hypocritical you could say). Force is only a last resort so I’m going to have to make sure that I’ve exhausted peaceful solutions (others I’m sure you’ll enjoy penalising Galadhil in some excrutiating way).

Nathir the Red (dec'd)

Character Name: Nathir the Red 
Class: Ranger Archer 
Role: Mobile Striker
Rank/Position/Concept: Skilled tracker and loner, quick reactions to loose as many arrows as possible
Sex: Male 
Species: Human Race: Tharbrian 
Age: 25 - Height: 5'10" - Weight: 150lbs 
Colour of - Hair: Red - Eyes: Blue - Skin: Tanned 
Appearance: Lithe and lanky, almost as though he survives off only what forages.
Clothing: Worn leather armour in need of replacing, offset by an impressive cloak.
Demeanour: Quiet and harsh, has spent much of his adult life alone and is unused to the group dynamic.
Motivations: Tracking his oldest friend for a family heirloom she stole.

All things considered, Nathir had a good time of it growing up. Valera, a fishing village north of the Carnelian plains
was nicer than many places he's seen since. Growing up his best friend was a red elf girl, Ionel, who gave him a appreciation
for a culture outside his own and in time they would become lovers.

When he came of age he joined the local frontier defence groups and in celebration his parents gave him an ancient heirloom that had supposedly been in the family as a trophy from an epic battle centuries ago. The months at a time he'd spend away from Valera scouting and fighting meant his relationship with Ionel never developed into anything formal, anything they both wanted.

Eventually she left to develop her academic and arcane talents in the high elf city, Actun. Returning years later they share a
blissful night before she disappears south with Nathir's heirloom. All she leaves is a note saying sorry, that she still loves
him; a note he still keeps close.

Nathir tracked her to Renth and then lost the trail. Spending the last couple of years doing what he can for money while he hunts her, he stumbles across the group and decides it might be time for a change of tack.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Player & PC Roster

March 2012

1. Damian: Gaspar Nasim, human Gishmesh Hexblade Warlock
2. Jasper: Varek of the Tigerclaw, human Altanian Brawler Fighter
3. Jonathan: Arvias, human Avalonian Wild Magic Sorceror
4. Jason: Ionel, human Beastmaster Ranger
5. Jamie: Uncia, Red Bear clan Altanian Shaman

January 2012

1. Damian: Gaspar Nasim, human Gishmesh Hexblade Warlock
2. Jasper: Varek of the Tigerclaw, human Altanian Brawler Fighter
3. Jonathan: Arvias, human Avalonian Wild Magic Sorceror
4. Jason: Nathir the Red, human Tharbrian Archer Ranger
5. Sebastian: Galadhil, half-elf (Altanian human/Northern Elf) Paladin of Mitra (Lightbringer)
6. Jamie: Uncia the Red Bear shaman, previously played Haak the Warsinger

Gaspar Nasim - Damian

Character Name: Gaspar Nasim 
Class: Warlock (Hexblade) 
Role: Mobile Striker with soft control 
Rank/Position/Concept: Strange stranger from a strange land. 
Sex: Male 
Species: Human Race: Gishmesh 
Homeland: Gishmesh 
Age: 34 - Height: 5'8 - Weight: 200lbs 
Colour of - Hair: Black - Eyes: Brown - Skin: Olive 
Appearance: Well-fed looking, a trimmed beard with a long, bushy moustache. 
Clothing: Silk tunic over fine linen shirt and pajama pants, a round turban, curly shoes, a curved scimitar in his belt sash. 
Demeanour: Cheerful, impish, optimistic, friendly, charismatic. Not particularly smart or wise, but insightful. 
Motivations: Gaspar is the youngest son of a well-off merchant. His older brother was blessed with good looks, strength and intelligence, which caused much jealousy for Gaspar. 

During his childhood, he befriended a spirit of the wind, a supposed 'djinni' which he kept secret from everyone. The creature promised him great power as he grew older, to be more successful than his older brother (a skilled swordsman with a gleaming scimitar), and on his 18th birthday this pact was to be sealed in a ritual. Gaspar was tricked and his brother was consumed, body and soul - his essence placed inside a phylactery which was stolen away by the djinni. 

Gaspar, wracked with guilt, has been on the run from his vengeful father for 16 years. His father is a man of great wealth has the means to hire bounty hunters. 

Gaspar seeks to escape this retribution in order to master his powers and find a way to restore his brother to life. He is also still bound to the djinni, who manifests inside Gaspar's mind when he uses his magic. The spirit is cruel and taunting and tries to seize control of Gaspar any chance he can get.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Mysk & Lightbringers of Mitra

Mysk (Altanis; Town, Pop. 1,384 within the walls; TL 4): 
Mysk is Antil's southernmost outpost and a trade market for goods from Actun, Antil and the lands surrounding the Sea of Five Winds, including Viridstan. Mysk was established 350 years ago after an
incident with foreigners at Antil caused the death of several Windriders. The foreigners market for traders from the Sea of Five Winds was moved to Mysk to prevent another such incident. Nert Iron-fist, the lord of Mysk, is noted for his nobility and justice. He maintains law and order as well as the security of
the temple of Shang-Ta. Sossul is the leader of the trade delegation from Viridistan and looks upon the natives as inferiors. He is also a priest of Armadad Bog and hasn't had much luck in subverting the population to his views. Items of up to TL 8 are available here, despite the fact that the local craftsmen are not very skilled.

The Lightbringers, a small Chapter of the Order of Mitra, are based at Mysk, the southern trade outpost of Antil on the straits of Maerstag. Their leader is Achilleas. The Order of Mitra is an organisation of Lawful Good Paladins & Clerics dedicated to Mitra, known as the Lion of Justice and the Lawbringer.  Mitra is very popular amongst the Tharbrian clans, but his worship is rare in Altanis.  The Alryans & Alryan-Nerathi commonly associate Mitra with Seker, Lord of Light, a minor LG deity in the Thothic pantheon.  

The Antillian Lord of Mysk, Nert Iron-Fist is a follower of the Antillian Sky God Shang Ta in his LG aspect.  Nert is noted for his nobility and justice, maintaining sound law and justice in the town.  He has cordial relations with the Lightbringers of Mitra, although he does respect the teachings of Shang Ta, which causes tensions over the existence of female warriors in the Order of Mitra.  Female Order members and other female warriors are permitted in Mysk, but they are advised to go disarmed and unarmoured while in the city.  An exception is made for female Elves/Eladrin enjoying the protection of Actun, Antil's ancient ally.

Last year (4433 BCCC) the Order of Mitra suffered a serious reversal when their bastion known as Mitra's Shield Hall* fell to the Red Reavers of Grimalon, a powerful band of marauders led by a group of Paragon ex-adventurers, rumoured to enjoy the support of the World Emperor of Viridistan.  As far as you know, the Paladins of the Shield Hall were all killed or enslaved.
The Shield Hall lies NW of the Romilion Sea, between the Grimalon Plains and Battleplain Gwalion - see - the Order of Mitra is working on gathering resources for a Crusade against the Reavers, it's known that King Galgod 'the Hewer' of Antil and his ally the High Elf (Eladrin) King Redon of Actun would like to see the Reavers weakened, as would the Invincible Overlord of the City State. But they are very powerful, over the last few years they have conquered a vast swathe of Tharbrian territory, and any move against them must be weighed carefully.

Mitra is a Lawful Good sun god, also identified with the Good Alryan-Nerathi sun god Pelor.  He is often worshipped as part of a Dualist system, in opposition to an Evil deity.  The Tharbrians oppose Mitra to the Chaotic Evil death god Hamarkhis, whereas in the Desert Lands and elsewhere his great foe is the Evil serpent god Set, known as Zehir-Seth to the Alryan-Nerathi.

*Known for its gorgeous blonde female Paladins...  >:-)

Monday, 2 January 2012

Death Gods

The Raven Queen (U) is a 'Nerathi' deity, and not very widely worshipped under that name.  The main Alryan death god is the chaotic-evil Hamarkhis, who hungers for human sacrifices; the Ghinorans and others have Thanatos (E) - although the Nerathi say the Raven Queen defeated Thanatos and took his throne.   Alryans also revere Thoth (U) as the Judge of the Dead - those found wanting are consigned to the maw of Hamarkhis.   Some see the Raven Queen as a kind of vassal or herald of Thoth, ushering the souls of the dead before Him.

The Raven Queen is also associated with the ancient Tharbrian war/death goddess Morrigan.